Are you a passionate roving canal trader looking to explore new trading opportunities on the inland waterways network?
Are you a canal side business wanting floating traders at your venue?
Are you a canal festival organiser wanting to connect with floating traders?
Are you a canal related charity looking to join events to raise funds?
Are you a customer wanting to locate canal festivals & events?
​Look no further than the traders community that will revolutionize the way waterways traders and businesses connect and trade,
Waterways Artisans, Traders and Retailers - WATaR
is a new way for traders, organisers, canal side businesses, charities & customers to connect with each other to maximise trading opportunities & grow visitor numbers to events.
for trading opportunities
Give Walter a little tickle & he will take you to our Facebook Canal Events page or find extensive Festival, Floating Markets & Canalside event listings from here or the main Menu.
Walter's Wafflings .......
Our Services Section still under construction
- 1 British pound
- 1 British pound
- 1 British pound